
Hello, I am a mom of a 10month old little boy, and I really wanted to be able to network without feeling like I have to make a choice between my little one and my profession. I pray this group can be a place of comfort, nurture, and growth for us mothers to have successful businesses!

Next MeetUp March 20th

Be sure to RSVP for March 20th. Contact me for details.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Family, Ambition, Inspiration, Balance

So this week has been a CRAZY week, but filled with lots of lessons. Crazy because I am actually getting new business. I have been trying a new marketing technique and for my consulting business it is working. Now working in this sentence only means I am getting calls and maybe 1-2 sales. At this point any sign of life is gratifying. I am using trial version that is soon to be over, so now I am wondering whether to continue (because it is quite costly, but may be worth it in the long run) or if I should experiment with other things. I haven't decided as yet but as soon as I figure out the next step I will let you know.

So back to the week, and the lessons of the week. I found the words Family, Ambition, Inspiration, and Balance and it really made me think how does it all fit together in the grand scheme of things. I won't go into detail today, but I wanted to list them as a food for thought.

1. Entrepreneurship and not only parenting, but how to deal with the husband? He says he understands, but does he really??

2. Taking time for myself, I need the business but at what cost? Certainly not my sanity.

3. Dealing with the business partner, how do you balance each others strengths and weaknesses. What type of conversations need to take place and at what point during the business process? What happens when the excitement of the venture dies down?

4. How to lovingly say, NO. People love to ask you to do things, because they think that your JUST a Stay at Home Mom. I try not to get offended, but I do! However maybe there is an attitude adjustment I need to check.

5. Not letting the computer take over my life......still working on that, lol.

I have heard, on many occasions, that we learn EVERYDAY, but when you sit down and actually start to tally the lessons learned, its just crazy. The days are hard, but there are lessons in those days. And in those lessons there are blessings.

Just food for thought........

I am off to South Fla for a break!

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